Our Mission
Building solidarity and fostering faith-based relationships with the communities of Our Lord of Esquipulas.
Our Vision
Together, we will live in a covenant relationship that empowers us and improves our lives.
The following Covenant was adopted by the St. William Community in 1987:
In solidarity
with our brothers and sisters
in the parish of Our Lord of Esquipulas,
and in fidelity
to our history and mission,
we, the community of St. William
commit ourselves to a covenant relationship
which we will express by:
praying for each other,
strengthening communication,
visiting each other,
building intercultural respect,
sharing mutual resources,
educating ourselves concerning
the causes of injustice in Central America.
In solidarity
with our brothers and sisters
in the parish of Our Lord of Esquipulas,
and in fidelity
to our history and mission,
we, the community of St. William
commit ourselves to a covenant relationship
which we will express by:
praying for each other,
strengthening communication,
visiting each other,
building intercultural respect,
sharing mutual resources,
educating ourselves concerning
the causes of injustice in Central America.